
F.A.Q. Section
Q: What are the stats for full gear? (Oron, HoD, Fire Arrows, etc?)

A: Best Possible as Warrior w/ Scav: (6-10)  +2 STR  21 Accuracy
A:Best Possible as Warrior w/ Saw: (5-16)    + 3 STR 28 Accuracy
Q: What are the discontinued items?

A: Blue Star, Train Ticker, Orc Skull, Scroll of Nothing, Scroll of Shopkeeper #1, Scroll of Shopkeeper #2, Scroll of Admin, Scroll of Art, Scroll of Event, Turtle Costumes (unlore), Panda Costume (unlore), Cook Hat, Baru, Baruta, Rapier, Oblon, Brass Key, Flask of Milk.
Q: How do I get a title?

A: You can not get a title anymore; you can only get titles by buying an account that already has one.
Q: How did you get a title?

A: There was a player npc that you could pm called Arenabot. You would Pm... "!Arenabot (your title here)" He was deleted in version 23.
Q: What's so special about titled accounts?

A: When you win an arena event, your name will be announced: Server - Weaselmuffin (High on Life) won the arena event. Other than that, it's that you can not get titles anymore. Otherwise they are useless, they add no special stat value. Just shows the account was made before version 23.
Q: How do I get a classless account?

A: You can't make a classless account. You had to make an account prior to version 26. In version 26, wiseman was added so you could fill the class rank slot on the paperdoll, next version the classes were 100% functional with the stat points. Some characters didn't talk to the wiseman at all, so they stayed classless. These tend to be forgotten old alternative characters people remembered over the years.
Q: Whats special about classless accounts?

A: Nothing, you can only party train them since their max damage is roughly 3-13 with all the best items on it. (Adding strength points can not increase the damage, it only increases weight)
Q: What's the best weapon in the game?

A: Saw sword (sorry lens staff), & Scav Bow
Q: Why am I randomly recruited into a guild I didn't send a request to?

A: Well, there has been this old hack that has resurfaced where it automatically recruits you in, the player who initializes the hack is nearby using proxies. Just run away or scroll away, leave the guild and try to find a guild that you want to join to prevent the proxy user from recruiting you back.
Q: How do I get Hyperspeed?

A: Here... Just Google'd it and it was the first website i found that works. I used to speed, but ruined my computer. Not recommended.
Q: What / Where do I find Eo Trainer?

A: Here ... This site has a lot of hacks including Scar 3.12 which is a popular auto program and lots of the Eo community writes scripts for this auto. Also has, Titan's hack, Eo trainer, Elevation's hack, Art money, etc. Norton Anti-virus says that the site is virus free. I've never downloaded anything from the guy, but he looks legit (use at own risk).
Q: So what's up with this new server?

A: To connect to the new server (as of 6/1/2011), you need to change your port number back to 8079. Create a new account and new characters for the account.
Q: What's different with the server?

A: The first thing you'll notice is that newbie island has been improved. There are new quests and now there is a level 4 requirement to get off the island. The monsters have also been "beefed up" a bit making them a little bit of a challenge. All quests now give bigger pay outs but monsters still give the same amount of exp.
Q: Where did my account and characters go?

A: All the characters and accounts were wiped but are not totally erased in the server. They somehow got "lost". You can make an account under any name but you can  not create your old characters.
Q: Can I have free stuff?

A: No.